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Church Information
Walk By Faith Christian Center IncLOCATION: 232 Carter Street
MapNC 28326
Phone: church phone 910-556-1087
Email: gmail.c@walkbyfaithchristian
PO BOX 3865

About Our Church
Mission of Walk By Faith Christian Center, Inc.
Jesus came to seek and save that which was lost, and we are compelled to do the same. As people of God, redeemed by Christ Jesus, we have been called to witness to his name, such that people come to him and become his devoted disciples.
The Vision of Walk By Faith Christian Center, Inc.
Our vision is to penetrate the world with life-enhancing ministries which exalt Jesus Christ and to extend the
Kingdom of
God in obedience to the great Commission. We will be a church that acts on what we say and believe. We will be a church excited about the word of God and committed to sharing and caring for each other and those in our community and world. We will grow individually and as a congregation through prayer, study, service, worship and fellowship. We will invoke the power of the Holy Spirit to strengthen and guide his church.
Statement of Beliefs
1. We believe in one God, creator of everything, who loves mankind in spite of it's sinfulness, who yearns to fellowship with us if we will let Him.
2. We believe that Jesus is the Christ, that He came to earth as a baby conceived by the Holy Ghost and that his birth was a virgin birth, with Mary his Mother.
3. We believe that the reason Jesus came to the earth was to become the one supreme sacrifice as the atonement for the sins of mankind, and that there is no other name under heaven, given among men, whereby we must be saved.
4. We believe that Jesus went to the cross, died by crucifixion, was buried, arose on the third day after His death, conquering death, and the grave.
5. We believe He ascended to heaven and sits at the right hand of God as our intercessor.
6. We believe we may speak directly to God without the aid of a human intercessor, and that He is never too busy to hear our prayers.
7. We believe that to be saved, we must realize we are sinners; become Godly sorry for our sins, repent and be baptized in water in the Name of Jesus for remission of your sins. Accept that forgiveness, and cease living a sinful life.
8. We believe that although our sins have been forgiven, the carnal nature with which we were born still remains within us and that it must be eradicated by the power of the Holy Ghost in a second definite work of grace called sanctification.
9. We believe the Bible is the inspired word of God and that if anyone comes with another gospel, though he be an angel from heaven, he is accursed.
10. We believe that whatsoever ye do in word or deed, should be done in the name of the Lord Jesus.
11. We believe that in Jesus dwells all the fulness of the God-head body, and that He is the Father in creation, the Son in redemption and that He is the Holy Ghost that lives within us today.
12. We believe one day Jesus will return to this earth, that mankind will be judged, that sinners will spend eternity in a literal hell, and that God’s saints will spend eternity with the Lord.
13. It is one thing to say what we believe; it is another to prove it.
Church History
Our Pastors & Our Chruch History - As The Vision Unfolds
Apostle James and Pastor Beverley grew up in the Johnsonville area of Harnett County, North Carolina . He is the son of the late Floyd L. and Catherine Talton Prince. She is the daughter of the late James Alonzo and Mary Etta Murchison McNeill. They have been married for 50 plus years and are the proud parents of two children, a son James Jr. and wife Deana; a daughter, Kianta and husband Timothy. Through their children, they have been blessed with five grandchildren.
Apostle James was saved under the ministry of the late Bishop Paul McKoy of The Church of Our God in Christ Jesus, Cameron, North Carolina . Under Bishop McKoy’s leadership, he was trained in many aspects of church functions and administration, serving in various offices and capacities on the local, state and national levels. Apostle Prince walks in the five-fold ministry offices of Prophet, Evangelist, Pastor, Teacher, and Apostle.
Pastor Beverley grew up under the leadership of the late Elder Ethel M. Evans of Saint John Pentecostal Holiness Church also located in Cameron, North Carolina . Upon her marriage to Apostle Prince, she became a member of The Church of Our God in Christ Jesus, and continued to grow in the things of God as she worked faithfully in the ministry. Pastor Beverley, a gifted and anointed singer, is often referred to as an “exhorter & “inspirer”. She walks in the ministry offices of Pastor, Prophetess and Evangelist.
During February 1995, the Lord led Apostle Prince and Pastor Beverley from pastoral duties in an established organization into Team Evangelism whereby they established Walk By Faith Ministry, an evangelism ministry. Together, they provided Christian counseling, pre-marriage and marriage counseling seminars, and workshops, as well as traveling to various areas preaching the word of God as doors were opened to them. Apostle James and Pastor Beverley have worked with, and assisted numerous ministries of North Carolina , and various other states, in their endeavor to spread the gospel and tear down Satan’s stronghold. During their time of Evangelizing, they experienced many souls being saved and continued to grow in their knowledge of how to work with God’s people. During this time Pastor was elevated to the office of Prophet and Apostle. Not being one to seek titles, when approached with the news of being elevated to these ministry offices, Pastor asked his Bishop at that time, Bishop Samuel Thomas, if he was sure this was what God wanted of him. Being assured by the Bishop that it was “God Ordained”, Pastor accepted and was ordained an Apostle on July 22, 2001.
In the year of 2002, Apostle James and Pastor Beverley reluctantly accepted a request to serve as interim pastors within the church body that God had led them to as “help ministers". This reluctance in acceptance of another pastoral position was due to the strong call God was exerting upon them to launch the independent ministry He had revealed to Apostle James over 10 years prior. After receiving a release in the spirit to fulfill the request to serve as interim pastor, Apostle James and Pastor Beverley agreed to complete a 1 year assignment. Upon completing their interim pastoral assignment, they expected to take some time off for rest and vacation, but this proved not to be the case. They were told about a building that might serve them well as a temporary church location, and led of the Lord, on August 17, 2003, Apostle James and Pastor Beverley ventured into another phase of their ministry vision by establishing “Walk By Faith Christian Center, Inc.”, a stationary church body located in Cameron, North Carolina . The vision for an independent stationary church given over many years prior had come to pass. Although there have been obstacles and pitfalls, God has richly blessed and continues to manifest himself as the journey ordained by Him continues. This is just the next step in the journey of seeing souls saved, and fulfilling the ministry committed to them by the Father. Their primary goal is to obey the voice of God and see souls saved one step at a time. They truly believe that the best is yet to come as they continue to “walk by faith.”